Optical Goods Stores Belleville

Laurier Optical

Bell Tower Plaza 365 North Front St.
K8N 1A1 Belleville
(613) 967-0000
(613) 967-1161


Laurier Optical can be found at Bell Tower Plaza 365 North Front St. . The following is offered: Optical Goods Stores - In Belleville there are 2 other Optical Goods Stores. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 1 Stars

BlindInBelleville wrote on 06-28-2012


Went to Laurier back in February with my new prescription. 3 pairs of glasses for $199 was hand painted on the window, sounded like a good enough deal. I got my glasses and couldn't see at all, even worse than my old ones. I struggled with them for a few weeks, thinking my eyes would adjust, how can a brand new prescription be so bad? I finally went back in, they suggested I see their optometrist. Ok then, my vision care at work is now tapped out, another $75, the guy couldn't stay off his blackberry long enough to know I was in the room. Then I use my new prescription to order new glasses, progressives have been suggested. Another $349 out of my pocket and I can't see at all, horrible. They tell me there is a 30 day non-adjust period to get a refund for progressives, as they are hard to adjust to. So I send them back, and when they give my glasses back with the original lenses, they tell me I won't be getting the $349 back. But even though they kept my money, they didn't send me back the lenses, so I have neither. Nice. So now I have spent over $750 and can't even read a menu. So if you like being screwed, head on over to Laurier Optical, it may just be the place for you. Otherwise, take your hard earned money somewhere else. Anywhere else.


Optical Goods Stores
(613)967-0000 (613)-967-0000 +16139670000

Map Bell Tower Plaza 365 North Front St.